Home Layout 4

[foundry_hero layout=”intro-centered-social” image=”730″]logo-dark[/foundry_hero]

Foundry is your ultimate design toolkit. Use stylish pre-built blocks to assemble your perfect layout.

[foundry_portfolio pppage=”4″ type=”grid-2col” show_filter=”No”]
Our Expertise
[foundry_icon_box icon=”ti-layers” title=”Silky Parallax”]

We’ve built a buttery smooth parallax scrolling experience with a heavy focus on performance. Extensively tested across a range of browser and mouse types.


[foundry_icon_box icon=”ti-package” title=”Unique Concepts”]

10 Fresh and unique concepts included out of the box. From portfolio to property showcase, Foundry’s adaptable look is perfect for your next project.


[foundry_icon_box icon=”ti-image” title=”Modular Design”]

With a plethora of purpose-built content blocks, colors and fonts, Foundry presents a mind-boggling number of combinations. Test drive the builder now!


[foundry_text_image layout=”shadow-left” image=”437″]

Build a slick, modern site faster than ever

Foundry is your complete design toolkit, built from the ground up to be flexible, extensible and stylish. Building slick, contemporary sites has never been this easy!




Customers using our themes


Layout potential using Foundry

Authentic, handcrafted design that gives your
site subtle, confident appeal.

Check Out The Demos